To all you beautiful people from across the globe, warm greetings and love.

Snippets of Inspiration and Thoughts To Ponder Over, the topic being…

The Awesome and Undeniable Power of Silence.

Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu once said, “Silence is a source of great strength”. Taking time off to be silent, once in a while, sends positive messages to your own brain that you are worth hearing. Honor your own life by practising ‘the art of being silent’ at regular intervals.

Many a solution to a knotty problem can be finalised in the quiet zone of your mind than when the brain is hyperactive with noisy clamourings in the head. The Power of Silence can help you listen to even the small whispers of your soul.The body and mind relaxes in silence and many things in our lives fall into place.

Let me relate this to a meaningful story:

Once a farmer lost his watch while he was busy at work. The watch was an old model, but the farmer placed a lot of sentimental value and attachment to it. So he was very upset when he could not find it. He searched all over for it, but in vain. He was thoroughly exhausted within a short while. So he called the group of children playing outside his barn and asked them to help him find his lost watch. He even promised them an attractive gift if they found his treasured watch for him. Very excited at the thought of getting a gift, the children pitched in and started their hunt . But they could not find it. Soon they started getting exhausted and dropped out one by one.

The farmer lost his hope fully.

But just then a little boy walked up to him and asked him whether he would give him a second chance to find the watch. The farmer readily agreed. And true to his word, the boy found his watch for him. Feeling surprised yet happy, the farmer rewarded the boy as he had promised, yet was curious to know how he had found the missing watch.

The boy replied, “I just sat there in silence, trying to pick up the sound of the watch. And in that silence, it was much easier to listen to the ticking sound and direct my search thus”.

What a smart little boy he was…solved a problem so simply !

The quieter you become, the more you can hear. A peaceful mind can think better than a worked up mind. Once in a while train your mind to be silent for a while and relax yourself. Then you can hear better and with great clarity!!

Silence is Golden, Silence is Power.