Creating the Meaning of Life


We are born one day. We will die one day. But what truly matters is the journey between. Life begins when we take our first breath. From then, it’s a constant struggle to stay alive. For a time, we exist in a bubble created by our family. But, some aren’t granted this luxury. But at some point in all our lives, no matter where we began, we start to wonder why we’re alive; what is our purpose, and what is the meaning of our lives. 

We walk the path of life every day. We learn. We work. We live. We exist. But, why? In a world with more than 7 billion people, what could be the meaning of our lives? 

As humans, it is important for us to mean something. We have the inert need to matter. We want our lives to meaningful and significant. Somehow, we want to believe that we are part of the grander plan of the universe. In that need to be important to the world, we search for the meaning of life

So, how do we find the meaning of our life? Or, rather, what is the meaning of our life?

1. What is Important to You?

Before you can find the meaning of life, you must first understand what is important to you. Now, when you think about what is important to you or matters the most to you, think about how it affects your life. It can be an environmental issue, it can be the people in your life, it can be your dream, it can be your job, it can be your career, it can be anything. But, you have to find what’s important to you, focus on it, and decide where you’re going with it.

Because the things that are most important to you will define you as a person. 

2. What Do You Want to Do with Your Life?

You must’ve read many inspirational stories and motivational quotes of how famous personalities found meaning in their lives through things that they do every day. They’re not very far off from the target. Once you’ve decided what’s important to you, turn your focus to your life. What do you want to do with your life? We’re alive for an average of 50-60 years, within that time what do you want to do? What legacy do you want to leave behind?

The decisions we make; the path we chose is the beginning of making our life meaningful. So, what do you choose to be?

3. Enjoy the Journey!

No matter what you choose in life, don’t forget to enjoy the journey. Fill your life with positivity. Life may try and knock you down, but enjoy each step, through failure and success, enjoy your growth. Find what’s important to you, do what you love to with your life, and enjoy the ride no matter where it takes you. 

4. Take One Day at a Time

Be positive. Cultivate positive thinking. Every life-changing decision that has led to greatness began with positivity. Take one step at a time. Take one day at a time.

The meaning of life doesn’t reveal itself overnight. Sometimes you’ll lose your way, but eventually, you’ll reach the place that was always meant for you. As long as you believe in yourself, your life will always have meaning.

5. Life is What You Make It!

By now you must’ve understood the meaning of life. The meaning of life isn’t something that you find. It isn’t a treasure you hunt. It is something you create. Every life is only as meaningful as the individual believes it to be.

What you love, the things that are important to you, what you do with your life, how you live your life, everything that you are gives your life meaning. You are the master of your life. The meaning of your life is in your hands. Mould it into what you desire because only you can decide what your life should mean.