Good morning/evening dear lovely ones❤️ brought under the Big Aura of Love❤️

“Embrace who you are and your divine purpose. Identify the barriers in your life, and develop discipline, courage and the strength to permanently move beyond them, and keep moving forward.” ― Germany Kent

These are lines which are confusing to many. How do we know our Higher, Divine Purpose?
We are placed wherever we are for a Special Purpose. It is up to us know and find out what that is.
A choice given to us.

Here Are Some Simple Daily Affirmations to a Fuller Life

I will do my Best to choose what’s Best for me and for all of us.
May I be open to guidance from the Divine.
I will accept and find Compassion for myself and all around me.
I will Love and Empower all to be the best that we can be.

If you practice these self-affirmations everyday, I assure you that:
You are going to make it!
You are going to be at peace.☮️
You are going to create, and love❤️, and laugh, and live;
You are going to do great things!

Stay blessed and loved❤️🙏😊


Dear beautiful souls❤️ bound in God’s Love❤️

Greetings as you are about to start a fresh new day/week or you are about to get ready for some restful sleep.
Whatever position (job/work/no work/studies/stay at home) you are in now, your head must be brimming with ideas or things-to-do lists for the day/next day.
With whatever hope you can muster, you pray that everything goes as per your plan and set out.
But more than often, you will find your plans taking a back seat and other events/circumstances/ happenings creeping in.
You are unprepared.
Somehow you manage things well.
This could be a pattern in most of our lives. Our plans never seem to work.

Life is full of changes and challenges. Things don’t always work out the way we want them to, and even if you’re the most adaptable person in the world, life always seems to throw you a few curve-balls, and you’re having to strike it out once or twice. Or every time.

So now the picture is clear. Only His Plan Prevails. His Purpose takes us on a different trail. We may not like it or accept it at first, but eventually…
“… we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.


To all you dear ones❤️ who are striving to be better and the best versions of yourselves, for those ones who want to submit and surrender to the Almighty, to be filled with Love and Peace, just breathe out this prayer with me.

God bless you and grant you Riches and Blessings from His Abundance. Amen🙏