Nothing in life is perfect because we cannot control everything. Imperfections and shortcomings are a part and parcel of the world and everyone’s life. The faster we come to terms with this reality, the better it is for us.

While we crib so much about the imperfections in us, we must realize that it is these shortcomings and imperfections that go to make us Who We Are. Actually the word ‘Imperfect’  spells ‘I’m perfect’ because everyone is perfect in their own imperfect ways.There is no one who is Absolutely Perfect.

Moreover, it is these imperfections that help us tolerate others’ shortcomings and make us feel elated and happy when we see near-perfection elsewhere. It keeps us humble and happy, helps us not to be obsessed about perfectionism and also teaches us the valuable lesson that life is not to be wasted away brooding over perfection.

It is all about how ‘genuine’ or ‘real’ we are. All our imperfections fade away into nothingness when we accept ourselves and others as being their own selves, flaws and all included. Being humble and honestly humane is all that matters.

So Stay Happy and Love Yourself as Who You Are


God made all the delicate, inner parts of our  bodies which He knit  together within the mother’s womb itself . We were made wonderfully complex. God knew us as He was painstakingly designing us with loving care in the womb itself. We didn’t just evolve into what we are, at this moment. We were created and designed with a purpose. And the blueprints of each one of us are similar to other human beings but they’re not exactly the same. Each one of us is unique in our own way.

We have the ability to encounter an incredibly diverse world with an equally amazing diverse body.

Sometimes in this fallen world, people are born with birth defects that disrupt one or more of the intricate systems of the body. God foresaw even those defects and uses them for good when we look to Him. Even our weaknesses are fearfully and wonderfully made.

We all have weaknesses that sometimes make us feel like we are of no use. But God’s grace is sufficient to cover our weaknesses. More than that, God’s power perfects our weaknesses. Weaknesses keep us humble and leaning on God’s strength which is much more sufficient than our own strength.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.” (Ephesians 2:10)


To all those dear ones who want to willingly submit themselves to the Lord and be renewed in Him, this prayer is for you. Stay blessed all the while, in His Grace.