Encountering problems is a part-and-parcel of Living. Every living being faces a problem in some form or the other. For those problems, there are only two possible thought processes.

There exists a solution to the problem or there does not !!

Now, if you are fully convinced that a solution exists for every problem, every problem is no longer a problem to you. It is all dependent upon your Beliefs and your Convictions. Your firmly-held belief or conviction gives you the edge over other people and every difficult situation before you.

Thus, there will be no barrier whatsoever, to your steady progress in life. Identify the main core of the problem or the root cause of it. Once identified, the problem virtually ceases to be an unsolvable problem and does not require considerable effort to eliminate. The process of living would become a smooth flow. You stand to gain quite a lot by constantly holding onto such a steady belief.

If the great inventors did not believe they could be successful with their constant efforts: if the great men of discoveries did not believe in their own grit to solve difficult problems, would they have achieved anything?

Problems serve as feed backs that enable success to be achieved. Problems contribute to the learning process of attaining a desirable end. In fact, many a successful man will admit that…

Every Problem Is An Opportunity.

It however depends very much on one’s perception or how you analyse the problem before you.

If you continually focus your attention only on successful outcome, chances are you tend to attract more of it. At the same time, if you focus exclusively on failures, you will meet with failure. When you concentrate hard on seeking a solution to a problem and seriously believe you will find it, you will sooner or later get it.

Your thinking does make a world of difference to the kind of result you will get when beset with a problem.

So get into the right track of thinking and find the hidden solution to every problem at hand before you. Nothing is too difficult or impossible. Make sure you win each time by solving each issue at hand.

Victory be yours!!


When you are faced with a problem and do not know where the solution lies, remember that there is a remedy out of it and that remedy will be available only if you search for it.

When there is desperation all around, the Lord is your Remedy. It is His Promise that He will deliver you. But you must call Him. He can and is willing to sort out every problem of yours – but, only if you ask Him to. Else He will not interfere in whatever you do. When you do include Him in every area of your lives, you will come to understand that…

God is Our Absolutely Unstoppable, Unfailing, Constant, Volcano of Power and Fire, Our Joy and Help.

Keep God great in your eyes and approach Him in prayer and thanksgiving for every need of yours, however big or small. Do not lose heart. Wait patiently for the Lord. He will come just when it is best for you.

Manifest hope in God; hope in God for His Goodness, for His Mercy, for His Grace, for His Faithfulness, for His All-Sufficiency and His Abundance.

Trust Him who never ever lets you down !!


To all the blessed souls reading this:

Comfort yourself with this prayer when you need help from the Lord. I assure you that He  will be with you and deliver you from all your troubles. Hold onto His Promises. Allow Him to love and cherish you like a Father.

God bless you and be with each one of you.