Procrastination is not a disease, but a habit you form over the years…it is an attitude you develop

We all know people who are the last-minute go-getters….maybe we are one of them ourselves. The habit of waiting till something gets urgent and then to get it done..somehow provides the doer with a sense of euphoria and adrenaline. The last-minute burst of productivity catapults them into an addictive mode of what they would call ‘disciplining themselves to get a job done’.

Fear of failure also creates procrastinators. These types hate being labeled as failures, cannot handle criticism and are indecisive to a larger extent.

The tough part of being a procrastinator is to get going and ‘start’ doing something. The beginning creates the trouble. Panic, rush and created fuss lends them the ‘push’ to finish their tasks.

Solve The Issue.

Get started, fling yourself headlong into the job in front of you. A bit of planning, a bit of breaking the job into chunks and pieces, a bit of dividing time and prioritizing will easily solve the major issues you face.

If you are passionate about what you do, then no one need tell you what to do. You will set right everything you need.

Do What You Like And Like What You Do…then there need never be a time to regret your acts or deeds.

Shun Laziness. Be passionate about your work. Stay cheerful.


The bible reference here is about the instructions given to servants to be always on the vigil, to be dressed and ready with their lamps all lit and burning, for their Master (The Lord), who could come in any moment. To serve, to be a servant, to be in service.. to the Lord and to mankind. A calling which we choose ‘to hear or not to hear’…

But, it is there, upon each one of us.

What if you are a procrastinator? Would you take heed to the calling and be ready and waiting in service to the Lord? Or would you keep putting it off, citing excuses? Whatever reasons we come up with up, it is only wise that we get dressed, and remain in-waiting for Our Master. To be dressed here only means that you allow yourself to be gently clothed with the gifts of the Spirit, thus filling yourself with the Light and Loveliness of the One Redeemed.

Be the lighted lamp kept out in the open for everyone to see. In a world of darkness, let the Love of the Lord shine through you as the Light.

‘Give me oil in my lamp, keep me burning till the break of day’ – which only means that you stay strong with the Word of God.

Now, being dressed up and well lit, make yourself available for the service of the Lord, which, in turn, is service to mankind. “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, so you do unto me” (Matthew 25: 31-46)”

Are you available?

The Lord does not need your Ability, He only needs your Availability. Never turn away from any service, that you chance upon, ‘to serve’ the Lord, in direct or indirect ways. Whatever opportunity you get each day ‘to serve’ others, however small or big, do it with a willing heart.  The Bible says…that..

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.” (Colossians 3: 23,24)

Stay strong and ready to serve. Stay blessed.


To all those loved ones who wish to cast away their laziness, call upon the Lord through this prayer to fill you with His Grace enough, to make you more organised and focused in Life. May you be strengthened by the Power of Him for whom Nothing Is Impossible.