In Life, if you keep having a human support system all the time, then your true potential and capabilities will not be brought out. You will never get to understand the real power within you. You lose all enthusiasm and zest to do things and invariably lose your sense of responsibility too.

Risks, refusal and failures are part of the game of Life. Along with it come ‘Rejection’ at all levels, for most people.

Accept Rejection and Refusal as a challenge. Push  forward with all your might and do not give up. Bounce back each time.

Most of the Successful Heroes in the world will have a ‘Rejection’ story to tell.

Even if it does hurt and shock you at the moment that you are rejected, as an afterthought, you can definitely understand how you managed and handled that situation deftly. Your true strength comes out.

Be Grateful To Life At All Times:

Instead of bitterness or grudge eating you away like cancer, be grateful to those who refused to help you, stand by you or even turned their face away from you, tarnished you, belittled you, slandered you. You would have traveled a long way, all alone and would have learnt a lot of Life Lessons – something that you would not have done if you had had help all the while.

After all …Rejection is merely a redirection; a course correction to your destiny. – Bryant McGill

Human rejection can be God’s divine protection. – Paula Hendricks.


At the writing of this psalm, David was in a great deal of trouble. His own son, Absalom, led what seemed to be a successful rebellion against him. Many of his previous friends and associates forsook him and joined the ranks of those who troubled him

David’s situation was bad. Many felt he was beyond God’s help – not that God was unable to help David; but that God was unwilling to help him. They looked at David’s past sin and judged that this was God’s punishment upon him and that God surely would not help him.

This thought might have been the most painful of all for David – the thought that God ‘might’ be ‘against him’ and that there is no help for him in God.

But David knew that God was his shield. He declares, ” But You are a shield around me, O Lord: You bestow glory on me and lift up my head. To the Lord I cry aloud, And He answers me from His Holy Hill. I lie down and sleep: I wake again, because the Lord sustains me. I will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.”

So also for us. When all the trials, temptations, afflictions and crosses come upon us, blow after blow, it becomes so terrible that we even start wondering whether God has forsaken us or is unwilling to help us. We cry aloud and for sure, He hears us. He sustains us when we are awake and He blesses us with sleep amidst great pressures.

God sustains us in our sleep, but we take it for granted. Think of it: you are asleep, unconscious, dead to the world – yet you breathe, your heart pumps, your organs operate. The same God who sustains us in our sleep will sustain us in our difficulties. Doubt not and you will live to see His Mighty Marvels.

Romans 8:31: If God is for us, who can be against us?


For all those feeling rejected, dejected, depressed and lost in the pressures surrounding you, spare a moment for prayer, thanking Him who taught you the invaluable lessons through your trials – all the while being near you, never leaving you. Stay blessed and feel blessed, for you are His Own children and He, the Father.