Do not be disheartened if you ever hit rock-bottom in life..

Use all that rock at the bottom to make your foundation solid to

Rebuild Your Life !!

                                      — Marriam

At  times, life does not seem to be fair at all. After all that struggle to keep things afloat in the best possible way you can, nothing seems to go right. Losing jobs, businesses, loved ones – breakdown of finances – shattered dreams and goals, blocked pursuits – the list is endless. You are helpless .Suddenly you are left alone. The feeling of sinking into the very deep, deep waters till you reach the rocks at the bottom. ‘Yes, this the end – my life is finished’, you think.

It is not so. Life cannot end like that. As horrible as it seems.There is still a long way for you to go. In fact, this is the beginning of a new life for you. It may take some time to collect yourself, but you will come back …you have to resurface… stronger than before.. YOU MUST !!

Rock-Bottom Ensures Firm Support Underneath:

Have you ever realized that there is nowhere further down for you to go? You have drowned but now have reached the bottom rock which ensures that you do not sink further. From there, it is going to be some time before you can get back on shore. Things are beyond your control. You want to have that last chance once again. ‘Oh God, Please help me. I’m  all alone and stuck. I let go my hold on everything..I simply don’t know what to do.’

When you let go, there will suddenly be a release – a lightening of the burden on you. Let go of the situation and remain still for some time. Then suddenly things will fall into their proper perspective. That is prayer answered and Heaven’s Grace descending on you.

I waited patiently for the Lord: He turned to me and heard my cry.  He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire: He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.  (Psalm 40:1-2)

Hidden Blessings Come Along With Trials :

Are there any hidden blessings in these trials that you face? Sure, there are.

At this juncture, you might not be in a position to see reason or think clearly …there is only frustration, anger and helplessness. You are betrayed, wounded beyond limits. No peace of mind. No enjoyment in life. And left all alone. Rejection from all sides leaves you desperate.

But believe me, when all human hands forsake you, God’s hands lift you out of the mire and from then on, if you willingly submit to the Power on High, there will be avenues opened up for you. Probably, God is trying to nudge you to move in a certain direction. Be open to it. After all, hoarding  material possessions is not the only worth. Your Life Purpose needs to be fulfilled.

Hitting Rock-Bottom : Changes that come over you :

Bad times give you ample time for introspection. Reassess the situation at hand, change your perspectives, look for other avenues, find your support in people who are willing to stay by you through thick and thin.

Looking around,  you find that you are not the only one with helplessness on your hands.There are so many out there who are in a worse condition than you are. Sharing similar experiences makes you stronger, wiser and more empathetic towards others. You could even be a source of encouragement for those in emotional need of help. Slowly, a peace pervades you – you are not unduly worried about the lack – in fact, you find there is very little needed for you to go through Life. Slowly everything starts to fall in place and Life takes on a better course than before !

A  Valuable Lesson Learnt:

Rock-bottom hitting and dead ends leave you with a lot of time  to yourself. The transition period where there are no friends, no props and no applause. You learn that being alone is fine. You start to believe in yourself and also learn to refocus and survive without pats on the back. Also to be your own cheerleader and to be accountable only to yourself and Your Maker.

Finally, as always, there is a great calmness in getting close with Nature and animals. They provide the healing touch to hearts needing Love. Read good books. Reflect on God’s blessings in your life. Life is fleeting. Re-energize yourself. Teach love to those looking up at you and slowly work your way back into a beautiful Life !!


Dear Lord,

I come to You in prayer for all those who have hit rock-bottom in their lives. Those who have no way out and are desperate. Your Word promises to hear their cry and deliver them that wait patiently for You. Lord, do not forsake Your people. Set their feet on a Rock that they may sing praises to You. Help us all to be supportive of each other in prayer. May the power of prayer bring miraculous changes in every heart. Bless us and help us spread Your Love around. Thank you for hearing me. In your Name. Amen.