The Top 5 Phenomenal Women of 2019


2019 hit the world like a hurricane. The world witnessed movements that shook people to their core. This year displayed a mixture of development and sustainability. This year we saw the rise of women and their voices behind their causes. Phenomenal women from around the globe have stepped forth to empower and inspire millions with their beliefs, ideas, research, education and unwavering dedication and strength. 

Here are our top 5 women who have taken the ideals behind leadership and social change to the next level:

1. Greta Thunberg

A single child skipped school to strike against climate change outside the Swedish Parliament in 2018. She demanded strong resolve and action against climate change. A year later, in 2019, the same girl led the path for everyone to follow with a global climate strike. With words mightier than the sword, she demanded attention; she demanded change, She is the young activist who has captured the attention and recognition of the world against a crisis that hadn’t received the importance it deserved—climate change. Yes, She is 15-year-old Greta Thunberg. And she’s an inspiration and guides the fight against climate change.

2. Radhya Al-Mutawakel

In a sheltered society, her voice rang against the deafening silence that fell upon the injustice faced by civilians in Yemen. She founded Mwatana Organization for Human Rights—an independent organization working to safeguard and protect the rights of the people of Yemen abused in the conflict within the country orchestrated by the foreign powers of the US, the Saudi-led coalition, and the Houthi forces. She is Radhya Al-Mutawakel. And she is the first person to address the UN council on the humanitarian crisis in Yemen.

3. Cindy Hollar

Raising the standards of education globally for the K-12 education system, Cindy Hollar was the former CEO of TE21 and currently the Vice President at Certica Solutions. As a teacher, Cindy understood the needs of children and began an initiative that collected reliable analytical data regarding students to create mind-blowing products that assist children to unlock their full potential. Their products range from educational curriculum to instructional programmes. 

4. Dr. Nazli Azimi

The founder and CEO of Bioniz Therapeutics, Inc., Dr. Nazli Azimi is one of the most inspirational women in tech.  She founded the company based on her research on the immune system of our body. Her research led her to believe that multiple malfunctioning of cytokines—small proteins that mediate the immune response in the body—influence the development and progression of diseases. She believes her research will open the gateway to treat autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, as well as inflammatory diseases such as psoriasis and asthma, and even cancer. 

5. Sushmita Mohanty 

Space designer and Space entrepreneur are two words can briefly define Dr. Sushmita Mohanty. As far as phenomenal women go, she’s one we’d never forget. The CEO of EARTH2ORBIT—India’s first private space start-up—is the only person in the world to start companies on three different continents. Dr. Mohanty is the Co-founder of MOONFRONT in San Francisco and LIQUIFER in Vienna. All of her companies are strides towards uncovering the mysteries of the universe.