“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.”- Rumi.

Good morning/evening to all the beautiful souls❤️ brought together under the Big Aura Of Love❤️

It is easy to point the finger outward and list what is wrong in the world. It is wise to understand that ‘you’ are the beginning of ‘change’.
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”- Socrates. The more you understand the less you know. Therein lies true wisdom and power.

However many a degree you may attain from education sectors, however many a cup or trophy you may line your shelves with, Practical Wisdom cannot be bought off anywhere or attained from any University.

It is meted out equally to all, from the School of Experience.
Each lesson that Life or your Experience teaches you is invaluable.
So do not crib when you go through Life’s Lanes of Trying Circumstances. There is no other way than learning from Experience.

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” – Oprah Winfrey

We all experience pain and suffering in life; it is a part of the human experience. What you choose to do with the wounds you have endured is what dictates your path. Be wise, choose to see your wounds as lessons and use them to build your character.

God bless each of you and fill you with Grace, to come out stronger each time you go through a trying time in your life.
Take care and stay happy.


Dear beautiful souls❤️ bound together in God’s Love❤️

There is no doubt that God loves us all unconditionally and equally and has created each one of us in unique ways. There is so much power and talent in each of us.
We fail to tap the resources and thus claim ourselves to be unworthy of anything here.

We are all blessed with the gift of inner wisdom. On some days though, we can struggle to access that wisdom and we need a little reminder of just how powerful we are.

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” The greatest knowledge that exists is the knowledge of self. If you want to invest in increasing knowledge, invest in learning about who you are. Mastery of the self is True Wisdom. Every day, make it your purpose to learn a little more about who you are and what makes you tick. There is no greater undertaking in life.

Those who walk close with the Lord understand this secret. The Holy Spirit reveals, teaches and imparts Knowledge and Wisdom to those who are attuned to Him, thus flooding them with untold Happiness.

But this is no ‘instant gift’.
We need the patience to wait upon Him for these secrets to be revealed.
It is Grace and Pure Grace.

May the Spirit guide you and fill you with Wisdom, Knowledge and Happiness.


To all the blessed souls wanting Wisdom from Him who is with you all the while, say this prayer with me.
God bless you in Abundance with His Wisdom, Knowledge and Happiness.