10 Things You Should Give Up to Become Successful


Success is coveted by every single human being on this planet. To be accomplished; to beat the odds is not just a dream but rather one of our basic instincts and deepest desires. But on the way up the ladder, to fulfil the dreams one holds close to his heart, many fail and fall.


To be successful, one needs undying passion, a plan to get there, hard work, and unwavering dedication. But what most fail to understand is, above all, one must be ready to sacrifice and give up many things that will lead one to success.

If you have read through the success stories of influencers, entrepreneurs, and millionaires, you will find many things in common. One among them is sacrifice; they have given up a few things that held them back from becoming who they were truly meant to be.

What are they? Here are the 10 things a person should give up to be successful.

1. Give Up Doubt

“The only person standing in your way is you.” Vincent Cassel had spelled out the underlying fact beneath every failure in his famous quote. Stop being your own enemy and cultivate confidence and positivity. Your path is what you make it. Obstacles will come your way but you must believe in yourself that you can overcome those challenges and fulfil your dreams.

2. Give Up the Unhealthy Lifestyle

According to Napoleon Hill, “No person may enjoy outstanding success without good health.” Success can only be achieved and, most importantly, enjoyed if you are healthy physically and mentally. Take care of yourself everyday with a healthy diet and exercise. Take special care of your mind with mindfulness and positivity.

3. Give Up Impulsive Emotional Decisions

Humans are ruled by emotions. We live with them as a guiding force. But taking reckless, impulsive decisions in a moment of sadness, anger or frustration would lead to disastrous consequences. That is why successful people refrain from taking decisions while they are governed by these emotions.

4. Give Up on Short Term Plans

Bruce Lee was right when he said, “Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.” To be successful, you have to think about where you get from where you are now. Success is achieved when you’re doing something you want to do rather than doing something because you have to.

5. Give Up the Excuses

To be successful, you need to understand that your life is your responsibility. Rather than finding excuses, a person must be ready to accept the consequences of a decision, failure or obstacles and have the willpower to move forward.

6. Give Up Procrastinating

Procrastination is the thief of time,” said Edward Young. How right he was. All the time you have to start, work and evolve is now; this moment. You only have this moment to build for the future. If you procrastinate, that time slips out of your hands forever. Procrastination hinders your growth towards success. Your success is in the actions and the decisions you make now.

7. Give Up the Need for Micromanaging

Everything that happens cannot be controlled. If you try to micromanage every aspect of your life to gain control over everything, you will be faced with failure and stagnancy. We can only control our actions, everything else is beyond our control. We should be prepared to face the possible challenges that may appear in our path to success. Success is not made from perfection; it is created from adaptation.

8. Give Up Trying to Please People

A successful life cannot be achieved by trying to please people. You can only live according to your wishes and desires, not everyone will agree with them. Prove your worth with hard work and results. Once success is within your grasp, everyone will accept and respect you.

9. Give Up the Toxicity in your Life

The ones whom you keep close to you are the ones that will make or break you. It is said that you are the average of the 5 people with whom you spend most of your time. If these people are negative and demeaning, then they are toxic to you and your success. Giving up this bad energy and taking up positivity will establish a firm road to your success.

10. Give Up on Giving Up

Most importantly, train your mind to never give up or accept defeat. Success may not come from the first door you knock, but it will come if you never give up. Jack Ma and J K Rowling are successful today because they never gave up, no matter how hard their journey became.

