A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle. – James Keller.

We have come a long way into the high-tech era where there are options and choices for everything at hand. There are very few things from the past that we hold on to dearly and one such sanctified possession is the Candle. A Candle has innumerable uses in our daily lives, but the most beautiful sight is the symbolic lighting up of candles to signify the spreading of Light. A hundred candles lit all over lends an aura of purity and sanctity.

It is not the candle which is in focus …it is ‘The Light’ ! All Holy Scriptures talk about the need to be ‘The Light’ in someone’s Darkness. What is the significance of ‘us’ ‘Being The Light’?

Light signifies the Light Of God at the very core of existence. But that is a vast topic which will run into reams. Here we are focused on the importance of being the Light in our own lives and in the lives of others.

Light holds universal Knowledge and Intelligence. It is Magneto-Electricity. Light carries Thoughts and most importantly it is the Harbinger of Love, Joy, Purity, Beauty and Innocence.

Do we not know that Light allows all life to exist anywhere in the Universe? Without Light, only Darkness Remains.

More than anything else, the Truth is that….


Many are ignorant about this, but that remains the stark truth! There are variances of Light within us and so it is important to ‘Be The Light Within Yourself’ and to ‘See The Light Within The Others’.

Now how do we go about getting to be ‘The Light’?

Coming back to the candle analogy, let us see how we can light the candle in 3 simple ways:

1.Use a lighter or matchstick to light the candle or rather take the fire to the wick and light it up.

2.Use another lighted candle to pass on the flame to the unlit one or rather, take the lighted candle flame to the unlit one.

3.Take the unlit candle to the source; whether it be to the source of fire itself or a group of candles .

In the first two instances, candle remains in the same spot…light is brought to it. It could be fire from an inferior source as in the first case or it could be fire from the same wavelength, as in the second case. But all the same, it is the flame of light, whichever source it is from, that has dispelled the darkness. The third instance is the candle being taken to the Source.

So also with us. Sometimes we need another source to light us up. We are in darkness.We need Light from outside.Whether it be from someone lesser than us or someone with the same wavelength or peer group, accept the Light and choose to be lighted from the outside.

There are times when we feel that we need nothing short of the Light that is from Above.The Light from God.The Real Source. That Light Is Purity Itself.

When we go searching for the Ultimate Source, we seek the Light from Above. May we step out of our own darkness and choose to be in the Light. Then we become the Light for others to follow.The glow within us will attract others. That Heavenly Light will dispel not only our own darkness but lead others into Light too.

Let us be ‘Lighted to Lighten.’