Are you one of those who dread exams and get panicky well ahead of time? Do you feel miserable and tensed all the while? You simply cannot bring yourself to sit down to study. Every time you see your piled up books, you want to throw them out of the window and say goodbye to exams once and for all .

But it is not to be. Exams are part and parcel of the educational system and the only way to assess your own worth for the future. Each time you come out with flying colors, you upgrade yourself to the next level of worthiness. The more you take up challenging tests and exams, the higher will be your professional luminosity.

Have you ever sat down and tried to find the reason for this lethargy in you? If you haven’t, then it is worth pondering over. But not ten days before the exam. That is the cracking time when you have to just cram – at least most of the students do their all-hell-let-loose studying just days or hours before their exams. That is their comfort level, they say.

Fine. But let me assure you that with a little bit of pepping up and motivation, you can do wonders to yourself and the exams at hand. First of all, set apart two or three minutes to read this and get relaxed in mind and body. Whichever test or exam you are taking up, understand that these are given to you to make your own life safe and secure. The fine job will make you independent, the quality of life therein after will make others envious of you. The happiness is for yourself and for those who stand by you and support you- all these make life more enjoyable!

All of us do have a problem staying motivated for a long time. We need mentoring and a lot of follow ups. Understanding all this in the proper perspective, let me begin by reaffirming that:

This Is Your Life:

Be Motivated. Try to also Stay Motivated.

You are the one who is to build up your future brick by brick. Every little investment through hard work that you do now will pay off in the future.
No one has has ever reached the top without taking immense pain and effort.
If you do not push yourself to do things,( yes,even studying) no one is going to do it for you.
There is no substitute for hard work. So do everything to stay motivated

Fix Your Goal on Success Till You Achieve It:

To study well, many need more amenities around them than the actual effort they put in.
But, even limiting circumstances have led people to the top.
So it is not the surroundings that matter.
It is what you make of what you have.
It is also the result of the effort that you put in.
You have the potential.
Otherwise you would not be spending time and effort on the exams before you.
So set your mind on the material before you.
Do your best to remain calm yet energetic.

Believe and Trust Yourself:

Just as you trust in a Higher Source to help you get through these exams, you must also have faith in yourself.
You would want the best for yourself.
So do not procrastinate.
Do not make excuses of the lack of time. The whole world runs on a 24-hour clock.
Genius and brilliance in various fields have arisen out of the same time limits.
So you can do it too !

‘The secret of success is to do the common things uncommonly well.’ – John.D. Rockefeller

Get Started onto putting yourself to study:

Getting into the mood of studies is a difficult thing to do.
Sometimes you will have to force yourself to sit down.
The first few hours are trying but always remember..
To every expert in the world, there was a beginning in his/her life.
To become great, you must start somewhere.
Do not let your mind play tricks with you.

Hard Work Pays:

Now that you are in the swing of things and studying:
Do that ‘little extra’ hard work bit to persevere and do well.
Do not think of quitting. Get that thought out of your head first.
It is tough going, but it is common to all.
There is no gain without pain.

Finally, do not fill up your mind with unwanted fears of failure.
Fear of failure should motivate you, every day, every hour, every minute and every second.
Keep your mind positive and motivated by reading good books or listening to inspiring talks.

The only way to pass the test is to face it and take the test.
You Can Do It !! Go For It !!