5 Things Money Can’t Buy

Since times immemorial division among people has prevailed based on class and power given to a few because of their wealth—land or money. The rich were worthy of the luxury and the poor were trodden on. The wealthy demanded respect while the poor suffered abuse. But the 21st century has seen change. Equality is a fundamental right. People are fighting for their rights; breaking the conventions of class and the belief that money can buy and own anything.

Money and anything tangible has only little influence over life. A life worth living isn’t controlled by materialistic desires. Life worth living with meaningful relationships, love, and satisfaction. A life devoid of meaning is an unhappy life. So, if someone thinks money is everything, they’re in for a rude awakening because there are things money can never buy. 

Here are five things money can’t buy:

1. Friendship

Friendship is a bond that’s forged not bought. You grow to love and care for each other after sticking through thick and thin together. It takes time, effort, honesty, and patience. Yes, your money will attract people towards you. But, they are temporary. They’re only with you for your money. If it ceased to exist one day they’ll leave, but a true friend stays by your side no matter what!

2. Love 

Love is exactly like friendship. It is something that a person feels from the bottom of their heart. A feeling of care and protection towards another. Love is not a commodity. It is a feeling; an unconditional feeling. Love is warm like the love of a mother to her children. Yet, people can pretend to love you. But it is conditional. Conditional love ends when the person doesn’t meet all their “requirements”. 

3. Respect

A person earns the respect of people through his/her actions. One can neither demand nor buy it from anyone. It is wholeheartedly given. The way you treat people, the way you talk, the values you hold, your beliefs, your ethics and how you remain true to them determine whether people will respect you. No amount of money can change that. 

4. Happiness

Money may be able to buy the most expensive cars, tickets to the most amazing places, and luxury beyond anyone’s wildest imaginations; but at the end of the day, when you hit the bed and think of life your happiness comes from the people around you and the little things in life. Happiness isn’t available in a bottle for sale. One can only feel it with an open heart. 

5. Time

Geoffrey Chaucer said, “Time and tide wait for no man.” Time once lost is gone forever. We all have the same time. It ends when it ends. Not even the richest person on earth could make time stop or bend it to his will. So, it is important to cherish the people in your life and the moments of the present while you still can before they’re gone forever.

Besides, there are many things money has no dominion over. Wisdom and intelligence are grown with knowledge and experience. Loyalty is something a person should earn earned. We can never replenish health, we can only maintain it.

Life is far above money and its influence and, yet, people can’t see that money is a piece of paper. It is all about love, friendship, people and the memories you create, Life is about the “now”. Live to explore and Live for the adventure. Never live for wealth.