Be completely humble and gentle: be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. (Ephesians 4: 2-3)

The moment we hear of ‘Gentleness’ we feel something soothing running through our system. The very word signifies so many qualities held within that. You always appreciate and want someone who is gentle with you. No harsh words…no tearing apart with contempt. Just a great calmness that pervades your body and mind.

It seems to be next to impossible for you to be gentle with everyone. During the course of the day you meet so many people with so many different attitudes and natures. Sometimes they stress you out with their overbearing, mean or disrespectful manners. Some attitudes take a toll on you and by evening you are feeling more than exhausted and frustrated.

On introspection, where does gentleness come into the picture? In today’s world, can you afford to be gentle? Will not someone or everyone, take advantage of that softness within you? Will not the others at work with you ride roughshod over you? Will you not be become passive and weak? You believe that only with a tough exterior, you can survive through each day. And with that toughness, your hearts get hardened with each passing hour. Though your mind and body agree to this deal, your soul is heavy and burdened. Especially if you have a calling and are guided by the Holy Spirit through each day or moment. You are torn between so many factors and the result is utter confusion in your mind.

It is at this juncture that you will need to understand the significance of the word ‘ Gentleness.’

Gentleness is a gift of the Holy Spirit and you experience it when you are guided by the Spirit. It is tender love, kind and understanding, considerate, good – natured and benevolent. It is comfortable, compassionate, forgiving and merciful. It is wise with foresight and strong with dignity. It abides in the power of God. It strengthens the weak – it is healing for the sick and caring for the poor. Its nobility is shown by its strength in restraint. It has a calming effect on you.

But again, the question is, can you incorporate ‘gentlenesss’ into your life on a daily basis or is it that only some people are born to be gentle ? The Holy Books call us to a living of compassion, forgiveness, patience and humility. We have to nurture these qualities in us. We do not have to go soul searching for them as they are already in us as God – given talents.

Do we not handle babies gently? Are we not compassionate towards animals? Would we not remember a mother’s gentle touch ? Does our heart not cry out when we see the poor struggling and suffering? Does not man reach out to his fellow beings when there is a crisis or disaster? Yes. We would not survive without the Gentleness from Above or the compassion or gentle consideration show to us by our fellow beings.

So ‘gentleness’, the finest and rarest of qualities in a person, is often mistaken for passivity or weakness of character. Far from it. You have to be strong enough to be gentle. It requires great control, intense calm and incredible restraint of the mind to remain gentle. Especially in difficult situations.

If we are gentle and forgiving with ourselves, we can extend the same attitude of gentleness to others too.

It is responsibility with power…a calmness that comes when we submit ourselves to the Lord. It is an inward Grace of the soul – an acceptance of God’s dealings with us, knowing them to be good…when we are in total surrender.

Dear Lord,

I place all my burdens into Your Hands….thank you for the Strength You have filled me with, to live through each day, with dignity and hope. Just as You comfort me with such gentleness, bless me with the ability to steer clear through difficult situations in life with a clear and calm perspective. Fill me with Your Gentleness that…I may never raise my voice, except in praise to You, nor clench my fists, except in prayer…..nor act hastily without listening with care, nor think unnecessarily without trusting Your Ways. I need Your Gentle Presence All The Time. In Your Name. Amen.