Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. ( Ephesians 4:32)

‘Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see’- Mark Twain.

One kind word can change someone’s entire day. Every person we meet in a day is fighting some tough battle of life on their own. Life does not come easy, even for the laziest of lazy people. Survival takes a toll on all of us and we reach end point so many times in a day. We all deal with desperation and frustration at different levels. The only plus in the bargain for life is that one touch, one smile, one comforting word or help that we gather on the way by people who are kind. One such kind soul may be a momentary factor in our lives but their kind deeds or words stay in our minds.

Now ‘being kind’ is not the same as ‘being nice.’ You can teach a child to be nice as part of its growing up process – the manners, the behaviour towards others and all that needs to mark the child as ‘well brought up’- to be nice to others. Call centres teach their staff to be ‘nice’ to their clients, however rude their clients are to them. Many other instances abound when we can teach people to be ‘nice.’ For some it comes naturally, for some it is part of duty and for yet others it is a passing phase.

Kindness cannot be taught. It is an inherent beautiful quality in some people. These are the empathetic people; the earth angels who are always serving in their kindness without expecting anything in return.

Compassion is their inborn beauty and they shine with the inner light of love and compassion. We do not need to describe the selfless dedication of Mother Teresa…she was Love Incarnate filled with compassion for those suffering. These are the real Hands of God moving on Earth wiping tears, consoling, healing and comforting. Our journey here on earth is to serve the others with our kindness, compassion and forgiveness.

We ought to show compassion and kindness to one and all….yes, even to those who do not deserve it. It is not a reflection of their character, but as a reflection of Who and What we are. That is our calling from the Source on High.

“Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love.” – Lao Tzu.

Kindness cannot be imitated. It is an inherent gift given to those who, with their compassionate deeds, show the others – be it their friend or foe – what love means. When there is kindness and compassion in a person’s heart, they become so beautiful on the outside and the inside with love shining from their eyes and the light of kindness shining from their hearts.

Your outer beauty may fade away with time, age or other unprecedented factors. But ‘to be beautiful’ is to respect yourself and the others, care for them, appreciate them and be kind…it goes beyond ‘being nice’. Love in your eyes and kindness in your heart renders you the ‘most beautiful’ person which passing years cannot wither away.


I thank You for giving me chances to be kind to all around me… but I’m more than often, very selfish in my thoughts and refuse to show kindness to those in need. Forgive me Father, for my failings…help me with my weaknesses. Fill my heart with kindness enough to act as ‘Your Hand’ to those in need around me…to be kind to myself too…Let Your Light of Kindness and Love shine in me and spread around to serve others: to be blessed always. In Your Name. Amen.