Peace prevails at the very core of our Being. 

Whenever we react strongly to the situations before us, say something or act in haste and then repent at leisure, remember this. That we are emoting so, only because our thought processes are leading us to such actions. Actions of any negativity simmer only at the active part of our brain. A mix of so many thoughts blabbering to the brain.

Sit quiet for a moment and think it out calmly. Is our inner self as noisy as this one? Or are we all so noisy only in the head?

At the level of the soul, or inner self, we are at Peace. With Everything Here and in the World Beyond.

It is only at the surface level that we display such emotions as has been forced upon us. Right from childhood, we are tutored into ‘doing’ without ‘thinking’. The result is ‘No Peace’

1 Corinthians 3:16 of the Bible tells us:

Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s spirit dwells in you?

How many times have we heard this? Are we aware that the Spirit of God always stays in us? If we ever had such conviction, then we would know, for sure, that the temple of God needs to be looked after so well. We would not tamper with a precious gift like this. God’s Gentle Spirit is full of Peace and the proof of that Presence is the calm and the Peace that comes over us.

The Real You is always at Peace with the Source.


Dear Lord, Thank You for every emotion that passes through our minds. We know that we are from You and in You, but there are times when we lose control of ourselves and get carried away by our strong emotions. Help us not to be overpowered by such negativity. May we remain calm and peaceful in the knowledge that nothing can touch us and that You will take care of all our needs. Fill us with Hope and Peace. In Your name. Amen.

God bless us all.